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Gunjack 2 Comes To Gear VR As CCP Winds Down Efforts

Gunjack 2 Comes To Gear VR As CCP Winds Down Efforts

Eve: Valkyrie launched as a seemingly perfect fit for the Oculus Rift in March 2016. The effort by CCP Games to build a compelling seated VR experience that would see space pilots using a gamepad to shoot down ships for hours at a time was one of VR’s earliest and biggest releases.

A smaller effort from CCP, Gunjack, actually beat Valkyrie to market. The turret shooter arrived in late 2015 as one of Gear VR’s marquee consumer releases and stood out as an example of what you could do with mobile VR at the time. In 2016 its sequel, Gunjack 2, arrived for the launch of the Daydream View. A year later, Gunjack 2 s now available on Gear VR.

The title’s launch on Oculus comes as CCP Games moves away from VR until the install base grows more. The company is also launching an update today for Valkyrie that adds a spectator mode among other features. According to CCP, there are currently no plans to shut down the multiplayer servers for either Valkyrie or Sparc, its cross-platform VR sport.

The original Gunjack is now priced around $5 while Gunjack 2 is $9.

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