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CES 2018: uSensAR Wants To Bring AR To Billions Of Android Devices

CES 2018: uSensAR Wants To Bring AR To Billions Of Android Devices

Today I learned that uSens, a leading computer vision company working on exciting new AR initiatives, wants to bring accessible augmented reality tech to over two billion Android devices around the world through the use of a new single-camera AR platform called uSensAR. Today I also learned that there are supposedly over two billion Android devices on the planet.

Since uSensAR aims to be optimized for low-end cameras through the use of computer vision and machine learning, it can run on a vast array of Android devices, instead of just the higher-end smartphones, such as those that ARCore requires.

“ARcore currently only serves about 30M Android phones, which is just 5% of the entire Android smartphone ecosystem,” said Yue Fei, uSens CTO and Co-founder, in a prepared statement. “For the AR industry to thrive, it is essential that as many people as possible have access to AR ready devices, which in turn will entice more AR content to be developed. With the release of uSensAR, we are allowing developers, smartphone manufacturers and developers to create those AR experiences not just for iPhone, Pixel and Samsung S8 users, which ARkit and ARcore only serve, but the entire Android ecosystem.”

With support for Unity, C++, and Java already, as well as an SDK coming in Q1 2018, uSensAR wants to make AR even more widespread than it already is.

You can find out more about the new platform at the official uSensAR website. Let us know what you think so far down in the comments below!

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