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Become A Virtual Quarterback In 2MD: VR Football For PSVR This Spring

Become A Virtual Quarterback In 2MD: VR Football For PSVR This Spring

Ever since VR Sports Challenge I’ve been waiting for more developers to really embrace really arm-heavy kinetic sports like basketball and football. Accurate motion controllers are a great foundation for those sorts of games and VR Sports Challenge shows it can absolutely work. But all other sports games we’ve seen have been only a shadow of what that game offers and nothing on PSVR has come even close. 2MD: VR Football from Truant Pixel aims to change that.

As the name suggests, this game focuses specifically on American football. You’ll take on the role of quarterback, drop back to pass, and hit your receivers on routes across the field just like any pro QB does on Sunday night. This is an indie game and isn’t licensed by the NFL, so get ready for some good ol’ red team vs. blue team.

As you can see in the trailer above one of the neat bits the game lets you do is actually drawing routes and designing plays on a white board in the locker room. This is a feature that’s been sorely missing from even recent Madden NFL games so I’m excited to see how flexible that system ends up being.

For a game like this it’s honestly just going to come down to the accuracy of the throwing mechanics. After playing Carnival Games VR I’m confident the devs can find a good balance, so let’s hope it turns out okay with the PSVR’s inferior PS Move controllers.

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2MD: VR Football will be touching down on PSVR this Spring. The game is already available for PC VR headsets on Steam at a price point of $12.99. Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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