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Apple Announces 5G-Capable iPhone 12 Pro With LiDAR-Enhanced AR

Apple Announces 5G-Capable iPhone 12 Pro With LiDAR-Enhanced AR

Apple announced a new 5G-capable iPhone with the same kind of Lidar 3D-sensing technology which shipped earlier this year on the iPad Pro.

The new feature on the iPhone 12 Pro promises much improved AR features, like what’s pitched as helping improve photo quality as well as instantaneous placement of virtual content into your environment. It also may make 3D scanning of objects or places in the real world a more common practice. The iPhone 12 Pro and Max are the more expensive iPhones announced by Apple with prices extending to more than $1,000 depending what options you get.

“iPhone 12 Pro uses a LiDAR Scanner to measure how long it takes light to reflect back from objects. So it can create a depth map of whatever space you’re in. Because it’s ultrafast and accurate, AR apps can now transform a room into a realistic rainforest or show you how a new sneaker will fit,” Apple’s website explains.

Pre-orders for the regular iPhone 12 Pro are on October 15 and the Pro Max will happen on November 6.

This is breaking news so expect updates.

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