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Angry Birds VR: Isle Of Pigs To Receive Level Builder Later This Year

Angry Birds VR: Isle Of Pigs To Receive Level Builder Later This Year

Angry Bird VR: Isle of Pigs is getting a level builder later this year, which will let you create your own structures, place enemy pigs, and pick which birds to feature in your own levels.

The mobile game was adapted for VR earlier this year, and while it features most of the same basic mechanics as the original 2D games, the 3D capabilities add a few interesting new ways to play. As David noted in his hands-on back in February, the 3D VR environment means that, “You’re no longer restricted to firing birds from a single point and can teleport to different locations around the level. You’re required to lean around, duck down, and peer over objects to find explosive boxes, hidden pigs, and other secrets.”

A level builder seems like a natural expansion for the game post-launch – not only will it provide some new things to try out for players who have 3-starred all of the games’ included levels, but it also ensures that the game can hopefully live on for years to come with community-created levels.

Initially, the builder will launch as a local experience – your levels will only be available to play on the device they were created on. However, Resolution Games confirmed that in 2020 they’re “aiming to launch an online version that will allow players to share their levels with the greater Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs community and even compete for most difficult, highest scoring, most creative and any number of variations.”

The announcement trailer embedded above gives you a good idea on how you use the builder in-game, which works about how you would expect it to. You only need to look at games like Super Mario Maker to know that a level builder is a huge addition to the game – hopefully the Angry Birds VR builder is deep enough to create challenging levels and keep players coming back for more.

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs is available on PC VR headsets, PSVR, and the Oculus Quest.

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