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Facebook's 10 Most Popular 360 Videos

Facebook's 10 Most Popular 360 Videos

Facebook named its 10 most popular 360 videos and you can watch them all embedded below. Videos making the list include popular properties such as Game of Thrones, ABC News, and National Geographic. The videos were picked based on “time spent” rather than number of views. The list is ordered alphabetically.

ABC News: 360° Tour of Times Square During Winter Storm

Deadpool: See Deadpool everywhere (especially in theaters)

FC Barcelona: 360º Mosaic tribute to Cruyff

Game of Thrones: Game of Thrones Opening Credits 360 Video

Ivete Sangalo: Eu quero o farol dos teus olhos iluminando a minha vida

Liverpool FC: 360°: You’ll Never Walk Alone

National Geographic: 360° Tour of a Volcanic Eruption in Kamchatka

National Geographic: 360°: Swimming With Bears in Kamchatka

National Geographic: 360° Tour: The “Devil’s Pool” at Victoria Falls

Zoolander 2:  Facebook 360° Experience

This list can provide some interesting insights into the current state of 360 video productions.

National Geographic, for example is clearly becoming very committed to the medium. Three of Facebook’s top 10 videos have been produced by the organization.

Also, according to Facebook, the 360 version of the Game of Thrones opening credits “was the most-viewed 360 video in the first 24 hours, hitting 5.3 million views in one day.”

Soccer is also riding its overwhelming global popularity to its own fair share of places on this list. This bodes well for the potential of VR sporting events that are being produced by pioneering companies such as NextVR and IM360.

Somewhat surprisingly, only the two movie tie-ins for Deadpool and Zoolander No. 2 can be considered direct marketing materials and even these are completely original productions that include unique performances from the film’s leading stars.

Facebook only true rival right now for 360 video is YouTube, which recently raised the stakes by adding live-streamed 360 videos into its content library – a move that Facebook has yet to counter.

Lists like these demonstrate that 360 is powerful, shareable, and of genuine interest to a wide variety of people. With cameras proliferating and major content deals being struck too, we’re likely to see a lot more 360 videos in the next six months.

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