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Check Out Google's Awesome WebVR Experiments, Coming Soon To Rift And Vive

Check Out Google's Awesome WebVR Experiments, Coming Soon To Rift And Vive

Google’s Daydream mobile VR ecosystem got WebVR support through Chrome earlier in the year, and now it’s finally come to Cardboard too.

The search engine giant this week updated Chrome to include webVR support for its low-end mobile headsets, which have now shipped 10 million units. This means that pretty much anyone with a fairly recent Android smartphone can pick up a cheap Cardboard headset and access tons of content instantly via browser without having to download any software like you would on traditional storefronts. No word on iOS support just yet.

But what WebVR content is actually already out there? Google’s helping you narrow your search a little with WebVR Experiments. As the name suggests, this is an experimental set of experiences from various developers that allow you to hop straight into VR with a Daydream or Cardboard headset.

Games include a simple table tennis game, Konterball, that impressively supports both single and multiplayer modes. There are also experiences like Under Neon Lights from cinematic VR company, Within, and the Bear 71 documentary that the company debuted when Daydream got WebVR support back in February. Google has its own experiments too, including The Musical Forest and Speak to Go, the latter of which uses voice recognition to take you anywhere in the world.

Our personal favorite? The utterly bizarre Mr Nom Nom, in which a donut prevents himself from being eaten by his hungry friends.

All of this is great content for mobile VR but, excitingly, Google promises that it’s on the way to the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive in the near future. Expect WebVR to be a much more prominent use of the technology by the end of the year, then.

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